What Are Audio Cues?

Audio cues guide your clients through their workouts, and they're not a part of your exercise videos. You'll record your audio cues separately, on the app.

There are several different kinds of cues, and we'll review all of them here.

Where Do I Find My Audio Library?

The audio library is exclusive to the app, and it is available in the Manage tab under the Audio Library category.

Halfway Cues

Halfway cues are designed to provide client motivation. They will be played at random during the halfway mark of the exercise if the exercise has no instructional cues.

Custom instructional cues are always best, but halfway cues are designed to make sure you clients hear your voice and feel your presence in the absence of of instructional cues.

Standard Cues

Standard cues are standard because you record them once and they don't need to be recorded again. They help guide your client through the workout at times when they're not looking at the screen, and you'll record your Standard Cues in the app's Audio Library.

These cues include phrases like, "Get Ready," and "Go!"

Countdown Cues

These cues provide countdowns as your clients move through different parts of their workouts. For example, a client would hear a countdown when they get to the end of a rest time, so they know it's almost time to begin the next exercise.

You'll record them once and then you'll be done. You can begin recording them in the Audio Library in the app.

Custom Cues

Custom cues are where the magic happens!

They help guide your clients through each exercise and make your clients' experience feel much more personal.

When you record custom cues, you'll want to offer quick tips on proper form, reminders to breathe, and the benefits of the exercise.

These cues should be short, and around 15-20 seconds per cue is usually ideal.

Audio Cue Manager

The Cue Manager is a searchable list of all the audio cues in your library.

Open the Cue Manager for a cue count, to delete or re-record cues, or to search for all the cues for a specific exercise.

The Audio Wizard

The Audio Wizard is a great tool to use if you have a little bit of time and you want to boost your cue library.

It will identify the exercises that would benefit from more cues and serve them up to you one at a time so you can record, save, and swipe to the next action item.

Check out a demo below!