Some Ideas On Optimizing Your Workflow With Programs...

There are SO MANY ways that you can optimize with programs so your workflow is as neat and tidy as this desktop, and you probably have your own unique ideas.

But if you haven't thought much about it, we have some suggestions! Keep reading for more.

Free Trial Programs

Every trainer should have at least one free trial program, maybe more depending on your niche.

Assigning that free trial means a lot to a perspective client. It's like a welcome gift, and once you've built it, you can assign with the click of a button.

After you assign the trial, just make sure to check and respond to messages. Perspective clients want accountability and now you have more than enough time to offer it!

Combination In-Person/Online Programs

Do you have in-person clients who would like customized daily workouts from you, but they don't have the time or the money to make that happen?

This is the perfect time to offer a combination plan. It's a great way to build your business and make your clients happy at a price that's a lot more affordable than daily in-person training would be.

And with workout programs, you can assign the online component a week or a month at the time in a flash.

Bottom line: It's the perfect way to offer more value and add more value to your business with a minimal time commitment.

Workout Programs

You can build very specific workout programs for individual clients, or broad programs that you can assign to groups of clients with similar goals. You might have a wedding prep program, a tone up program, or a weight loss program. I'm sure you've got ideas on this!

Don't forget to take time to learn about our advanced features which make customizing programs quick and easy so they can be personalized to meet

How To Organize My Programs

You can build very specific programs that are customized for one client, if you'd like. But you won't maximize your efficiency that way.

If you really want to streamline your workflow, consider creating some more generic programs can be assigned to a groups of clients with the same goal.

What do these broad themes look like? You might have a weight loss program, a muscle gain program, or even a stretching and relaxation program.

The key is identifying your clients' common goals and deciding what fits their needs best of all.

Content + Messaging Programs

Programs don't have to contain workouts at all. You can create separate content + messaging programs.

Why would you do this? Because if you have a broad-based program with motivational messages and health/wellness content, you can assign it to anyone, regardless of their workout goals.

It gives you lots and lots of flexibility, which is helpful! And it helps keep your clients feeling accountable, motivated, and connected to you. And that fuels your business, which is priceless!

Keeping It Customized

You may be thinking that when you plan broad workout programs to send to your clients, your services may seem very broad and less personal. But don't worry. We've got your back!

Before you click the ASSIGN button on a workout program, you can copy a program and customize it any way you'd like. You can change weight settings, replace/remove exercises, add personalized messages, and make other customizations to accommodate your clients' special requests.

We know that you've promised personalized training to your clients, and we've made it possible for you to DELIVER!

Vacation Programs

You CAN go on vacation and still make money training. And vacation programs are the way to do it! Here are some ideas:

(-) Pre-plan workouts for online clients

(-) Pre-plan workouts for in-person clients and get them set up on the app.

(-) Schedule audio and video messages so your clients still get the motivation they need from you, and they still feel connected.

(-) Consider making the vacation programming themed, fun, and unique, so your clients almost feel like they're doing something special with you!

Special Request Programs

Special Request messages belong in every program, and we get into that in the Content + Messaging Programs section of this website. Don't miss that.

Want some ideas? You may want to do a weekly weigh-in with a body weight special request every Sunday, or you may want to send regular date and time requests to schedule a phone call or FaceTime check in.

Special Request messages have a banner notification at the top of the timeline, so they're unlikely to be missed, and they're key to client accountability!