About Audio Cues

Audio cues are recording you create that guide your clients through their workouts.

Some cues, like countdown cues, are very quick. Other cues, like exercise cues, will take a little longer because you'll need to record several cues for each exercise.

But the good news is, once you've finished recording them, you will not have to do it again unless you decide you want to add to or update your audio cues.

Recording Countdown and Standard Cues

You'll breeze through these in no time.

Countdown cues are just what they sound like: countdowns that signal the beginning and the end of an exercise or rest period.

Standard cues prepare clients to do things like get ready or prepare for rest.

Here's a quick demo for you!

Recording Exercise Names

These audio cues announce the name of the exercise your client is about to begin.

Just like the countdown and standard cues, you can record them once and you're done. You'll move through them very quickly!

Recording Custom Audio Cues

Custom cues take a little bit more time to prepare, and they're important! They address proper form, the purpose of each exercise, motivate, and more.

They keep your clients engaged while they're working out, help your clients feel comfortable with each exercise, and they help build a sense of connection.

Watch this video for more on the quickest, easiest way to build your custom cues!

What IS The Audio Wizard?

The audio wizard was developed by a computer scientist exclusively for TrainWithMe, so you won't find it anywhere else. And what's most exciting is that it's the secret behind offering a very personalized client experience.

Your clients won't get bored because the audio wizard intelligently incorporates these cues into each workout, so they won't have to listen to the same cue when an exercise is repeated.

Using The Audio Wizard And Cue Manager

The audio wizard walks you through the process of recording instructional cues.

Once you've recorded 4-6 cues for each exercise, you're done!

These cues may address proper form, the purpose of the exercise, modifications, and motivation. Don't be shy! The more you infuse your personality into your cues, the more your fun your clients will have with your workouts.

Why Does The Audio Wizard Request So Many Cues?

Think about receiving a workout from a client's perspective.

If you were assigned three sets of crunches in an abs workout, and you had to listen to the same ONE audio cue each time you did your crunches, it would sound repetitive. And boring, and definitely NOT custom.

When you record 4-6 cues per exercise, your workouts will never feel boring. And they'll always feel much more custom.

So even though it takes a little time and thought to record these cues, they'll pay off with big rewards.

Why Plan My Audio Cues?

Some trainers know exactly what they want to say about their exercises and they don't need to plan.

Others (like me, Marci!), do better when they've prepared notes. That way, when I begin recordings, I know what I need to say.

If you're like me, you might like to list the topics you want to talk about in your audio cues so that when you record them, you know what to say.

Don't miss the post with my go-to topics!

How To Plan Your Audio Cues

Here is my go-to list of topic to cover in my 4-6 audio cues for each exercise:

(-) What muscles does the exercise work?

(-) Why is strengthening these muscles important?

(-) How to maintain proper form so you don't get injured (and remind clients to watch your form in the video because sometimes they aren't paying close attention!)

(-) What modifications are available?

(-) How can you make this exercise more fun? Maybe suggest dreaming of a beautiful location, or taking your workout outside!

(-) Motivate, motivate, motivate! Suggest what your client will be proud of when they've mastered this exercise.