What Is HealthKit?

HealthKit is the Apple app that tracks your step count, activity, body measurements, heart rate, sleep, nutrition, and much, much more. It's one of the apps that is on your phone when you buy it, so you won't need to download it.

To find it on your device, look for the icon pictured here.

How Does TrainWithMe Work With Your Apple HealthKit?

TrainWithMe displays your daily activity at the top your timeline. It helps both you and your trainer track your daily progress.

If you enable HealthKit permissions when you set up TrainWithMe, we can collect your daily activity data from the Apple HealthKit app, and that's why you can see it in your timeline. If you love tracking your progress as much as we do, you're gonna love this feature!

Didn't enable permissions? It's ok! We'll show you how to do that anytime you're ready.

About Healthkit Permissions

If you want to take advantage of daily activity tracking, you'll need to enable all HealthKit permissions. You'll have the opportunity to do this the first time you log in, but if you didn't do it then, you can do it now.

Watch the video below to learn HOW and WHY to enable permissions. Short on time? Fast forward to 1:00 for a 16 second demo on how to enable permissions now if you haven't already.

Why Grant HealthKit Permissions?

It allows you to optimize your experience by providing:

(-) Accuracy. When you sync, your trainer can see a comprehensive account of your daily activity and build your personal training program accordingly.

(-) Accountability. Syncing helps your trainer give you a pat on the back when you've done a great job, and hold you accountable when you're not as active.

(-) Convenience. It gives your fitness activities a central hub. You'll be able to get workouts, message your trainer, and track your activity all in one place.

(-) Motivation. There's nothing like seeing your numbers to keep you motivated! If your activity is looking a little low, this is great motivation to get moving.

When Do My Daily Activity Summaries Update So I Can See My Most Recent Step Count?

We know your daily activity summaries are very important to you. You did the work and you deserve every bit of credit!

It's also important to preserve the your device's speed and battery life since we depend on them for so many things.

That's why we update your activity summary periodically throughout the day, taking great care to communicate with your HealthKit in a pattern that will not interfere with your device usage.

Why Isn't My TrainWithMe Daily Summary Up To Date?

Simply put: we respect your device's battery life!

Since we're focused on providing the best user experience in our industry, we've developed a HealthKit update pattern that won't interfere with your device usage or battery life. And the good news is that if your daily activity summary needs and update, you can update it any time you want with the click of a button.

Want more on that? Keep scrolling!

How Can I Update My Daily Activity Data?

We know lots of clients want to see up-to-the-minute updates, so we've made it possible for you to collect your most recent HealthKit data anytime you want!

To update NOW, go to the Account page and click the HealthKit Status button. That will upload your most recent data and then update your daily summary.

How Long Do HealthKit Updates Take?

Updates could take anywhere from 8 seconds to a minute, but they're generally quick.

Why does the time vary? It depends on lots of factors, like the age of your device, the status of your battery life, and your use of the Internet and other apps.